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News & Events
JANUARY 3, 2024 Resolution #1-2024- to appoint the Accounting Firm of RBT CPA’s to do the Town Financial report and auditing and consultation services. Resolution #2-2024- to engage Columbia County to provide It services Resolution # 3- to designate the Register-Star and the Columbia Newspaper as the official newspapers of the Town of Greenport. Resolution #4- to designate the Bank of Greene County as depository for the Town and allow the Supervisor and Deputy Supervisor to sign checks. Resolution #5-Metz-Wood Insurance Agency be designated as the insurance carrier for the Town. Resolution #6- to give the Greenport Historical Society $1,000 for maintenance and preservation of historically significant documents and material for the Town. Resolution #7- that the firm of Clark, Patterson, and Lee be re-appointed as the Town Engineers to serve at the pleasure of the Greenport Town Board. Resolution #8- that the Town Board re-appoints the firm of Barclay Damon, LLC to be attorneys for the Town of Greenport on all pending and future legal matters. Resolution #9- to make an annual payment of $1,000 to the Greenport Seniors in return for the group’s facilitation of activities and services for the Town of Greenport Senior Citizens. Resolution #10- that Paige Edelman be re-appointed full-time Town of Greenport Court Clerk. Resolution #11-that Sharon Zempko be paid a stipend for additional duties related to “Music at Sunset”. Resolution #12- to re-appoint Clarine Kyte as Deputy Clerk for the year 2024 Resolution #13- that Clarine Kyte be re-appointed Deputy Tax Collector. Resolution #14- that Edward Stiffler be re-appointed Chairman of the Planning Board and Robert MacGiffert as Co-Chairman of the Planning Board. Resolution #15- that .67 cents per mile be paid for official town travel with private vehicles for the year 2024. Resolution #16- to re-appoint Stephen Keyser, Officer in Charge of the Greenport Police Department. Resolution #17- to re-appoint Sharon Zempko Refuse Administrator and Registrar of Vital Statistics. Resolution #18- that James Dallas be re-appointed part-time Code Enforcement/Building Inspector. Resolution #19-that Cory be re-appointed Code Enforcement Officer/Building Inspector Resolution #20- that Kati Bell be re-appointed Part-time Court Clerk. Resolution #21- annual salaries of Elected Officials Resolution #22-284 agreement for Highway
Organizational Meeting January 3, 2024 Town of Greenport Please take notice that the Town Board of the Town of Greenport shall hold their 2024 Organizational Meeting on Wednesday, January 3, 2024 at 6:00 P.M. at the Greenport Town Hall, 600 Town Hall Drive, Hudson, New York. The meeting will be preceded by a 5:00 P.M. workshop meeting. Resolutions to be presented will be re-appointments to Town positions with hourly wages and salaries of Elected Officials The Town will be able to accommodate in-person public attendance at this meeting, however, interested parties are afforded the opportunity to present public comments in writing or orally during the public broadcast at In addition, the Town Board will also provide public access to share oral comments in real time by phone (US)+1 413-829-4055 (PIN: 103490521). Any written comments may be submitted to the Town Board, Attn: Sharon Zempko, Town Clerk at the address above or via email to [email protected]. and must be received no later than Wednesday, January 3, 2024 at 12:00 P.M. By Order of the Town Board Sharon Zempko/Town Clerk COLUMBIA COUNTY SOLID WASTE
HOLIDAY SCHEDULE ALL STATIONS WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2023 AND MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 2024. STATIONS WILL BE OPEN THEIR NORMAL HOURS OF OPERATION ON THE DAYS PRIOR AND FOLLOWING THE HOLIDAYS. 2024 Recycling Permits The 2024 Recycling Permits are now on SALE! Permit Pricing for the 2024 year: County Residents* under 65 years of age - $75.00 County Residents* 65 years of age & older - $50.00 (proof of age required) *Proof of residency is required. Out of County Residents - $125.00 REMINDER ALL PREVIOUSLY PURCHASED GARBAGE TAGS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12/31/2023. Exchanges can be made at the Administrative Office located at 51 Newman Road, Hudson. The office is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM - 3:45 PM. QUESTIONS? PLEASE CONTACT THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE . PLEASE N END OF YEAR MEETING
The Town of Greenport will hold an End of Year Meeting on Wednesday December 27, 2023 at the Greenport Town Hall, 600 Town Hall, Hudson, New York 12534. The meeting will start at 11:00 A.M. followed by an employee luncheon from 12:00 P.M. noon until 1:00 P.M. The Town Hall will be closed from 12:00 to 1:00 for lunch. Two resolutions will be brought up. One to encumber funds for 2024 and another to dispose of scrap metal. The Town is allowing people to join the meeting virtually at or by phone at (US)+1 413-752-0192 PIN:520669023. Written comments can be submitted to the Town Board, Attn. Sharon Zempko Town Clerk at the address above or via email to townclerk@townofgreenport and must be received no later than 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, December 27, 2023. The Assessor's office will be closed Wednesday, December 13th and reopen Friday, December 15th at 9am.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND TOWN BOARD MEETING Please take notice that the Town of Greenport will hold a Public Hearing at 5:45 P.M. on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 preceded by a workshop meeting at 5:00 P.M., and the regular Town Board meeting at 6:00 P.M. The meeting will be held at the Greenport Town Hall, 600 Town Hall Drive, Hudson, New York. The hearing will be to amend Chapter 110 of the Greenport Town Code to add article VII which provides an exemption for Volunteer Firefighters & Volunteer Ambulance Workers. The Town Board feels that this new law is essential to attract new volunteers due to a decline in volunteers. The public is invited to express their opinion for or against Local Law #3-2023. The Town will be able to accommodate in-person public attendance at this meeting, however, interested parties are afforded the opportunity to present public comment in writing or orally during the public broadcast online at or by telephone at (US) + 1 336-914-1169, PIN: 934004615. Any written comments may be submitted to the Town Board, Attn: Sharon Zempko, Town Clerk at the address above or via email to [email protected] and must be received not later than Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 12:00 pm. By order of the Greenport Town Board Sharon Zempko/Town Clerk Town of Greenport Dated: November 29, 2023 TOWN OF GREENPORT LOCAL LAW NO 3 OF 2023
A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 110 OF THE TOWN CODE OF THE TOWN OF GREENPORT TO ADD ARTICLE VII: EXEMPTION FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS & VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE WORKERS BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Greenport in the County of Columbia (the “Town Board”) as follows: Section 1. Title of the Local Law. This local law shall be entitled “A Local Law Amending Chapter 110 of the Town Code of the Town of Greenport to add Article VII: Exemption for Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers.” Section 2. Authorization. This Local Law to amend the Town Code of Greenport is enacted pursuant to the authorization established by the New York State Municipal Home Rule Law Section 10. Section 3. Purpose.
Section 4. Real Property Tax Exemption. Real property owned by an enrolled member of an incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service or such enrolled member and spouse residing in the Town of Greenport shall be exempt from taxation to the extent of ten (10) percent of the assessed value of such property for Town purposes, exclusive of special assessments; provided, however, that such exemption shall in no event exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) multiplied by the latest state equalization rate for the assessing unit in which such real property is located. Section 5. Qualifications. Such exemption shall only be granted to an enrolled member of an incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service if:
Section 6. Continuation of Eligibility Requirements. The applicant shall maintain continual eligibility for the exemption by being a continuously active member of the incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department, or incorporated voluntary ambulance service. An active member shall meet the requirements for active service as defined by each incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service. Annual attestation by such incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service is required to maintain this exemption. Section 7. Twenty Year Active Members. Any enrolled member of an incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service who accrues more than twenty (20) years of active service and is so certified by the authority having jurisdiction for the incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service, shall be granted the ten (10) percent exemption as authorized by herein for the remainder of his or her life as long as his or her primary residence is located within the Town of Greenport. Section 8. Un-remarried Surviving Spouses of Volunteers killed in the line of duty. An un-remarried spouse of a volunteer firefighter or volunteer ambulance worker killed in the line of duty may receive the real property tax exemption if:
Section 9. Un-remarried Surviving Spouses of Volunteers with at least Twenty Years of Service. An un-remarried spouse of a volunteer firefighter or volunteer ambulance worker with twenty (20) years of service may receive the real property tax exemption if:
Section 10. Application process. Applications for such exemption shall be filed with the assessor of Town of Greenport on or before the taxable status date on a form as prescribed by the New York State Commissioner for the Office of Real Property Tax Services. The assessor shall have the duty and responsibility of procuring and filing a copy of such certification prior to granting the exemption provided for by this Local Law. Section 11. No diminution of current benefits. No applicant who is a volunteer firefighter or volunteer ambulance worker who by reason of such status is receiving any benefit under the provisions of law on the effective date of this Local Law shall suffer any diminution of such benefit because of the provisions of this Local Law. Section 12. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined to its operation in said clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part of this Local Law. Section 13. Supersession. Pursuant to the powers granted by the Municipal Home Rule, this Local Law supersedes all provisions of the Town of Greenport Town Code, in so far as such statues are inconsistent with this Local Law and any other laws or regulations of the Town of Greenport are superseded to the extent necessary to give this Local Law full force and effect. All other provisions shall remain the same. Section 14. Effective Date. This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing in the office of the Secretary of State in accordance with Municipal Home Rule Law Section 27. |
September 2024