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News & Events
News & Events
The Town of Greenport has extended the closing of the Town offices, due to COVID-19, through April 30, 2020. As such the April 28th meeting of the Town Planning Board is cancelled. The Planning Board Chairman will be in the Planning offices on April 13 and April 27, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to answer any questions you may have by phone only. If you are submitting additional information on an existing application before the Board or submitting a new application, this may be done by appointment on those days. To make an appointment, email the office at [email protected] , at least one week before the date that you wish to have the appointment. Please provide the date and time requested. An email confirming your appointment will be sent. If your requested time is not available, alternate dates and times will be offered in the confirmation email.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience during these very difficult times. Be safe.
Effective April 2, 2020 at 12:01AM the Greenport State of Emergency will be extended through April 30, 2020
Town Hall will remain closed. Garbage stickers are still available over the phone or through the mail. Please call with any questions. Thank you and Stay Safe!! Just to remind you all that there is no parking on the streets during snow storms. Please do not park on the streets!! Thank you!!
The March 24th, 2020 meeting of the Town Planning Board and the public hearings for the Greylock Federal Credit Union and the Saturn Rental Facility have been cancelled due to the pandemic being experienced in our nation, state, county and Town.
Town Hall is closed to the public until at least March 31st. This could change. We will keep you all updated as soon as we know. The Supervisor is meeting with the Department heads of Columbia County and any new developments will be shared.
Please remember if you need to pay your taxes you can call Sharon at 518-828-4656 ext. 1 option 2 to get the balance due and then you can mail your check to Town Hall. Anything else you may need please call and we will assist you the best we can. Stay safe!!! Contact info Kathy Supervisor Cell 518-929-5653 Sharon Town Clerk/Tax Collector 518-828-4656 ext. 1 option 2 Paula Deputy Town Clerk/Deputy Tax Collector 518-828-4656 ext. 1 option 3 Kati Court Clerk 518-828-0318 Kim Assessor 518-828-0368 Jennifer Code Enforcement Clerk 518-822-8420 Effective immediately, the Water/Wastewater Department is closed to visitors. Please call 828-3400 should you need assistance.
In addition, the Town Park is closed. We will post when this Department and the Park reopen. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. TOWN HALL AND THE COMMUNITY CENTER ARE CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC
Appointments only until further notice. Contact info: Supervisor's Cell 518-929-5653 Town Clerk/Tax Collector 518-828-4656 ext. 1 option 2 Deputy Town Clerk 518-828-4656 ext. 1 option 3 Court Clerk will be available Tuesday & Thursday by appointment only. Please call 518-828-0138 The assessors office in temporarily closed. The assessor is currently working remotely and may not be checking phone messages. If you need to reach the assessor please do so by email @ [email protected] Please also be aware that most questions can be answered by checking the assessors page of the town of Greenport website. TOWN BOARD MEETING FOR WEDNESDAY APRIL 1ST HAS BEEN CANCELLED In order to maintain public health safety and the health safety of our town employees Town Hall is requesting if any business can be conducted via phone, email or postal service it would be appreciated. We are asking person to person visits to Town Hall be limited for the protection of everyone. As we all understand this is an inconvenience we expect and appreciate your cooperation. We do not want to have to close the doors.
Tax bills are payable by mail. If you are unsure of the total balance please call 518-828-4656 ext. 1 option 2. Dog Licenses and town garbage stickers can be purchased by mailing a check payable to Town of Greenport. (These can also be purchased over the phone payable with a credit card). County trash bags, recycling permits and punch cards are available at the transfer station. Marriage licenses will be done by appointment please call ahead. 518-828-4656 ext. 1 option 2 or option 3. This policy will be updated every Monday. Thank you for your cooperation, stay healthy and wash those hands!! |
September 2024