Code Enforcement Officers and Building Inspectors:
Jim Dallas - Monday thru Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Tom Burrall - Tuesday and Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Lynne Opper - Monday and Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Code Enforcement Office and Building Department Clerk:
Jennifer Pinkowski - Monday thru Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Office Phone and Fax Number: 518-822-8420
Email: [email protected]
Address: 600 Town Hall Drive, Hudson, New York 12534 (Columbia County)
If you have a permit with us please include the permit number in your correspondences.
Code Enforcement Officers and Building Inspectors:
Jim Dallas - Monday thru Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Tom Burrall - Tuesday and Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Lynne Opper - Monday and Wednesday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Code Enforcement Office and Building Department Clerk:
Jennifer Pinkowski - Monday thru Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Office Phone and Fax Number: 518-822-8420
Email: [email protected]
Address: 600 Town Hall Drive, Hudson, New York 12534 (Columbia County)
If you have a permit with us please include the permit number in your correspondences.
ZONING: The Town of Greenport does not have zoning. Please see our Planning Board section for guidelines on our Planning Board Review process.
Planning Board Website Page
§ Local Law Chapter 101: Site Plan Review
§ Town Code of Greenport ecode
Planning Board Website Page
§ Local Law Chapter 101: Site Plan Review
§ Town Code of Greenport ecode

Fire Safety & Property Maintenance Inspections are required by New York State for “all buildings which contain an area of public assembly, all multiple dwellings, and all nonresidential occupancies.” click here for more information.
All of our applications and forms can be printed from the list below. All initial applications must be submitted with payment. For follow-up documentation, we accept submissions via email, fax, walk-ins, USPS, Fed Ex, UPS, and carrier pigeon. Smoke signals are not accepted at this time. All documents should be of reasonable quality. We will not accept pictures of documents, or documents that are not complete and legible. Actual signatures are required, as well as a notary where stated.
§ Town of Greenport eCode
Building Permit Application
Greenport Climate & Geographic Design Criteria
Sign Ordinance
Demolition Permit Application
Vendors & Peddlers Application
Short Term Rental Application
Affidavit of Residency
STR Fire Inspection Checklist
NYS Unified Solar Permit Application
(A Building Permit Application must be included with the submission of the Solar Application)
§ Chapter 103: Solar Energy Systems
Sign Permit Application
Billboard Application
Signs and Billboard Permit Fee Schedule
§ Chapter 102: Signs and Billboards
Owner Authorization Form.pdf
Insurance Forms Required By NYS
Homeowners Insurance Waiver Form.pdf
Certificate of Occupancy Search, Title Search and Verification of Property Records Report
Third Party Electrical Inspection Agencies
Electrical Generator Installation Requirements
Operating Permit Application
Operating Permit Appendix
Property Maintenance Code: Sidewalks, Driveways, Off-Street Parking Lots and Spaces & Handicap Parking
Fence Regulations & Guidelines
Notice: Before Opening and Using Your Pool
Pool Information Bulletin
Pool Fence Regulations
Electrical Requirements for Pools and Spa's
Columbia County 911 Signs and Address Display Information – NYS Premises Identification Code & How to Properly Display Your Address
Columbia County 911 Address – Link to obtain a new 911 address and “county designed” 9-1-1 address signs
Complaint Form
All of our applications and forms can be printed from the list below. All initial applications must be submitted with payment. For follow-up documentation, we accept submissions via email, fax, walk-ins, USPS, Fed Ex, UPS, and carrier pigeon. Smoke signals are not accepted at this time. All documents should be of reasonable quality. We will not accept pictures of documents, or documents that are not complete and legible. Actual signatures are required, as well as a notary where stated.
§ Town of Greenport eCode
Building Permit Application
Greenport Climate & Geographic Design Criteria
Sign Ordinance
Demolition Permit Application
Vendors & Peddlers Application
Short Term Rental Application
Affidavit of Residency
STR Fire Inspection Checklist
NYS Unified Solar Permit Application
(A Building Permit Application must be included with the submission of the Solar Application)
§ Chapter 103: Solar Energy Systems
Sign Permit Application
Billboard Application
Signs and Billboard Permit Fee Schedule
§ Chapter 102: Signs and Billboards
Owner Authorization Form.pdf
Insurance Forms Required By NYS
Homeowners Insurance Waiver Form.pdf
Certificate of Occupancy Search, Title Search and Verification of Property Records Report
Third Party Electrical Inspection Agencies
Electrical Generator Installation Requirements
Operating Permit Application
Operating Permit Appendix
Property Maintenance Code: Sidewalks, Driveways, Off-Street Parking Lots and Spaces & Handicap Parking
Fence Regulations & Guidelines
Notice: Before Opening and Using Your Pool
Pool Information Bulletin
Pool Fence Regulations
Electrical Requirements for Pools and Spa's
Columbia County 911 Signs and Address Display Information – NYS Premises Identification Code & How to Properly Display Your Address
Columbia County 911 Address – Link to obtain a new 911 address and “county designed” 9-1-1 address signs
Complaint Form
A permit is not required if the gross floor area of the shed is less than 144 square feet. However, any shed or structure must meet the NYS setback requirements of 5 feet from any property line, and be built to be compliant with the NYS Uniform Code. It is also prudent to be aware of the location of any municipal water and sewer pipes, wells, septic, etc. while determining the best location for a shed.
If windows are not replaced or moved and you are replacing siding only, no permit is required.
If you are replacing only the top boards of the decking, no permit is required. If you encounter structural components that must be replaced or repaired, a permit will be needed to make sure the deck is repaired to ensure safety of the occupants.
For a property fence up to 6 feet high you do not need a permit. However, if a fence is a pool fence or a dumpster enclosure, a permit is required regardless of the height.
Click here for more information on fence regulations
Click here for more information on pool fence regulations
Click here for more information on fence regulations
Click here for more information on pool fence regulations
Fire Safety and Property Maintenance Inspections
The Town of Greenport is required by the State of New York to conduct fire safety inspections of commercial properties, places of public assembly and multiple family dwellings. The following is the excerpt from New York State Law, which establishes the mandate for these inspections:
NY Code, Rules & Regulations Title 19 …Chapter XXXII 1203.3
(h) Fire safety and property maintenance inspections. Provisions shall be made for: (1) fire safety and property maintenance inspections of buildings which contain an area of public assembly at intervals not to exceed one year; (2) fire safety and property maintenance inspections of all multiple dwellings and all nonresidential occupancies at intervals consistent with local conditions, but in no event shall such intervals exceed one year for dormitory buildings and three years for all other buildings
When the Inspector is conducting the inspection of the property, it is necessary to have a building representative accompany the Inspector through the building during the inspection. This enables identification of violations and discussion of violations that need to be corrected in order for the building to come into compliance with the NYS Uniform Code(s).
Once the inspection is complete, a fire inspection report will be prepared and the building representative will be provided a copy. Where violations have been noted, said inspection report shall serve as Notice of Violation(s) and as an Order to Remedy Violation(s). This Office allows approximately 30 days for you to correct most items deemed to be in non-compliance. Under certain circumstances, less time may be allowed for you to correct health and life safety issues, which require immediate attention and corrective action. The Fire Inspection Report will also clearly indicate the re-inspection date and time. During the re-inspection, the Code Enforcement Officer will examine all corrections made.
You should be aware that there is an inspection fee. This fee is based on the listed use of the building and other factors. We have established the fee schedule to cover the Town’s costs in performing the work, which the State of New York has mandated.
The fee schedule can be found here:
Fire Safety Inspection Fee Schedule
Here is a Fire Inspection Checklist for you and/or your staff to use in order to better prepare your facility for inspection.
NY Code, Rules & Regulations Title 19 …Chapter XXXII 1203.3
(h) Fire safety and property maintenance inspections. Provisions shall be made for: (1) fire safety and property maintenance inspections of buildings which contain an area of public assembly at intervals not to exceed one year; (2) fire safety and property maintenance inspections of all multiple dwellings and all nonresidential occupancies at intervals consistent with local conditions, but in no event shall such intervals exceed one year for dormitory buildings and three years for all other buildings
When the Inspector is conducting the inspection of the property, it is necessary to have a building representative accompany the Inspector through the building during the inspection. This enables identification of violations and discussion of violations that need to be corrected in order for the building to come into compliance with the NYS Uniform Code(s).
Once the inspection is complete, a fire inspection report will be prepared and the building representative will be provided a copy. Where violations have been noted, said inspection report shall serve as Notice of Violation(s) and as an Order to Remedy Violation(s). This Office allows approximately 30 days for you to correct most items deemed to be in non-compliance. Under certain circumstances, less time may be allowed for you to correct health and life safety issues, which require immediate attention and corrective action. The Fire Inspection Report will also clearly indicate the re-inspection date and time. During the re-inspection, the Code Enforcement Officer will examine all corrections made.
You should be aware that there is an inspection fee. This fee is based on the listed use of the building and other factors. We have established the fee schedule to cover the Town’s costs in performing the work, which the State of New York has mandated.
The fee schedule can be found here:
Fire Safety Inspection Fee Schedule
Here is a Fire Inspection Checklist for you and/or your staff to use in order to better prepare your facility for inspection.